Impedance is the sum total of the inductance and capacitance of the circuit board at high frequency. The term is used to describe the frequency of the circuit board. Generally, impedance values vary in a printed circuit board, unless the trace values are taken into account while designing. Controlled impedance refers to the value of impedance that remains constant throughout the point along the trace. This factor contributes to high frequency performance. Twisted Traces manufactures and supplies printed circuit boards with controlled impedance.
Various factors are taken into account while designing controlled impedance PCBs. These include inductance, capacitive resistance, and conductance. We also take the following factors into account, while deciding the controlled impedance of the printed circuit board.
Controlled impedance PCBs are used in various fast digital applications which include:
Impedance control is critical to the design and manufacture of any printed circuit boards (PCB). When a PCB requires a low impedance control, you can always rely on us. Over the years, we have gained recognition for our high-quality printed circuit boards with controlled impedance. If you want to know more about our services, please feel free to contact us via telephone on (630) 345-5400. You can also send us an email at